Young love

Harp and Alexander were very excited to spend time together this morning at a party . They do see each other 5 days a week at nursery.  And have been friends ( that hold hands and hug ) for nearly 2 years. They will be going to different primary schools though and they will be so upset when they don't see each other nearly everyday.  I have a lovely friendship with his parents so we will be making sure they see each other.  

It's been a good day. We saw my in-laws after the party for a while. The wildlings love going.  And we have not long had a catch up with my sister and family.  

We're on our way home for family dinner . I'm hoping everyone sleeps well tonight because if the weather is decent tomorrow we are going on a adventure up another mountain.  Its freezing today . I don't mind the cold when hillwalking,  but I'm hoping the rain stays away. 

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