Shifting silage.....

A touch more snow during the night.
Got everything fed,then Liam arrived up with this Demo Valtra tractor and trailer load of silage bales for the cattle. Seemingly their horses won't eat them,but they will do fine for suckler cows.
As the saying goes,never look a gift horse in the mouth !
Swapped him some better haylage ones to keep the nags happy.
Spent the afternoon next door stripping the sheet and tyres off the silage pit there,then cutting away the muck on the top and face with the shear grab. Got Kev to cart it away to the dung midden,then brought a load of good stuff back home. If I'm lucky there might be enough silage in the pit here to feed the Angus cattle until they go to the mart on Thursday as I don't really want to change their diet before they go.
We shall see.

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