A snowy start.....

A bit more snow during the night
Geordie arrived in at 8 am to collect the 18 hefs for the sale at St Boswells. They loaded not to bad ,and he managed up the yard without having to put the tractor on the front ,always a bonus.
Once everything was fed, laoded up the terrier copilot and headed down to the mart. No snow that side of Soutra hill,but still cold .
My first lot of hefs had one that was a bit nuts. She got passed me in the alley,and by the time we got her back round to the ring she was well wound up,which just upset the rest. Needless to say I didn't venture into the middle of the ring to show them off ! The other lots were not much better. Blondes definitely have a shorter fuse than my limousins. Still,got them sold without anyone getting killed,always a bonus. Not as good a trade as the bullocks a fortnight ago,but they are away.
The young farmers had their show calves for sale. A lot of good shaped cattle, and they sold well.
A quick lunch in the canteen ,then back up the road to get all the jobs done that were still needing done.
Will see what the weather does tonight,hopefully the forecast won't be right.

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