Stay back lady!

The first task of the day was to prune the climbing rose Crepuscule, which had gone manic last year. The garden bin was packed full, but we had another dust bin to take the overflow.

We wrapped up well as it was bitterly cold. As we finished I put some grapes out for the blackbird that was giving me grief with his demands and fascinating Amber. I had to put her into the kitchen so that he would come down to the table. The grapes are hidden by the back of the chair in the picture. 

We spent a couple of hours working, but gave up when circulation and sensation in our hands was seriously impaired.

I made a point of recording Antiques Roadshow this evening to be able to see the episode from last Sunday. Sitting down to watch a complete programme of anything appears to be impossible these days.

It has been a very busy week, the time has absolutely flown!!! 

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