The cause of the holdup

A trip into town to drop off more stuff at the St Barnabas warehouse and do a Tesco’s shop. There were delays on the way in and on return as repairs were being done to the road barrier next to the canal. 

A bitterly cold day, but the brisk walk with Amber to meet B after table tennis was most enjoyable. 

This evening I watch the episode of the Antiques Roadshow which focused on Nursing, shown a week ago. I was alerted to it by Blip friends and was intrigued. It was amazing, it prompted so many memories of times and experiences that I had during my 50 years of service. Even though it is 10 years since I retired it was as though it was yesterday. 

I will watch it again with the control in hand so that I can stop and start when I want to clarify detail. There was a mention of a nurse at Spynie Hospital near Elgin. I was in post as a clinical teacher at the School of Nursing, Dr Grays  Hospital Elgin in the 1970’s. Our students had placements there, so I would like to know more about it’s early history.

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