RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Carnival Calm

I had two potential blip photos today, one an almost monochromatic shot of a small tienda next to the canal and this multi-colored morning shot of the carnival. I hemmed and hawed, wavered and waffled, but eventually settled on the colorful. Even though I would prefer to feature a shot of this at night, with lights and crowds, I am not sure I will be in a position to take such a shot before the carnival departs town. Not wanting to miss being able to comment on the rides, many of which I remember from my youth, such as the Kamikaze, Zipper, Hammerhead, etc., tipped my choice in this direction as well.

Most of the rides here looked like they had spent considerable time on the road and I can easily imagine they were once on the circuit in the United States before they became too old to pass their stringent safety laws. Looking at them now you wouldn't catch me on any of them, but that could just be my advanced years talking.

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