Siâp sgwarnog mewn coeden
Siâp sgwarnog mewn coeden ~ The shape of a hare in a tree
"I've often thought about how all these different life forms occupy the same space as me during a given moment and how easy it can be to get so wrapped up in your own world you forget you're part of something larger and marvelous.”
― Noel Marie Fletcher
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Mae'n briodol am Flwyddyn y Sgwarnog (neu gwningen) welais i siâp sgwarnog mewn coeden. Wel, mae'n edrych fel sgwarnog i mi.
Roedd h'n diwrnod olaf yr enciliad. Cawson ni dysgeidiaethau yn y bore a dathliad gyda'r nos. Ar y dathliad roedd pobl yn perfformio caneuon, rhannau o ddrama neu ffilmiau. Canais i 'Tra bo dau', cân draddodiadol yn Gymraeg. Roedd Nor'dzin y cyflwynydd am y noson.
Yn anffodus cymryd Nor'dzin yn sydyn sâl ac roedd rhaid i ni adael yn gynnar heb ddweud ffarwel. Roedd hi'n ddiwedd anffodus i encil rhagorol. Gwellhaodd Nor'dzin yn ddiweddarach yn nhŷ Samten.
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It is appropriate for the Year of the Hare (or rabbit) I saw the shape of a hare in a tree. Well, it looks like a hare to me.
It was the last day of the retreat. We had teachings in the morning and a celebration in the evening. At the celebration people performed songs, parts of a play or films. I sang 'Tra bo dau', a traditional song in Welsh. Nor'dzin was the presenter for the evening.
Unfortunately Nor'dzin suddenly took ill and we had to leave early without saying goodbye. It was an unfortunate end to an excellent retreat. Nor'dzin later recovered at Samten's house.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Siâp sgwarnog mewn coeden
Description (English): The shape of a hare in a tree
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