
I write this with our son’s agreement.

From age 15 he has been type 1 diabetic. So for over half his life he has been using insulin. He’s gone from finger prick tests, through different insulin regimes to the patch on the arm which monitors blood sugar levels via his phone and which can alert him to high or low movements.

He was at a session at the Hospital yesterday where they offered him to trial the next stage in devices. He has a different arm patch but this links both to his phone and his insulin pen which helps predict sugar levels and calculates what dose of insulin he should be taking and when. In effect it is an even more personalised use of technology.

He is one of the first in Scotland if not the UK to be given this. The arm monitor may be less helpful than the subcutaneous monitor in the belly as you can only use one arm when undertaking the weekly change of the device but practice will make perfect and this is a minor inconvenience when you consider what is provided by the NHS.

It is a 3 month trial so fingers crossed it helps provide an ever better balance.

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