Giant Pine Cone

I have always loved pine cones, not sure why?  I collect them when I am out on a walk and have a bowl on the coffee table?  I have also found they make amazing kindling when trying to light the log burner.

Today was Saturday and No.1 and I went to Wisley.  We were meeting JC at 12.30 and we had a lovely walk, although maybe a few weeks early to see the spring bulbs.  There were plenty of helebores and the witch hazel and dogwood was really colourful.  I love the shop at Wisley and managed to spend a fair amount on more tomato seeds.  I also bought chilli seeds and will have a go this year?

We had a quick pit stop with sandwich before I headed home and JC and No..1 headed up to Bucks to spend the weekend with future in laws.  A lovely day with my lovely daughter.

Home to spend a bit of time in the greenhouse where it was warmer than the house due to the sunshine, and I did a few more bows on the wedding vases.  I listened to an interesting podcast about Jeremy Thorpe and Norman Scott - amazing how the establishment protected him?  OH at football where his team lost so I shall have a cold beer waiting for him when he gets home.

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