Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Low Tide

Chapter 1-Page4

It’s really love to walk early in the morning, particularly when its low tide.  You can walk right out along the sand bank and commune with all sorts of wildlife.  I just loved this scene.  This burley fisherman was quite content to sit and watch the pelican, seagulls and juvenile Pacific Gull patiently waiting for a school of fish to swim through.  All wanting the same thing, a “Feed of Fish”.  The fellow is a FIFO Miner, (Flies in and flies out) from Eden in NSW to work in the mines up north.  This is is way of relaxing and it looked okay to me.
We checked out the Farmers Market in Margaret River this morning and came away with a wonderful assortment of fresh produce.  The little egg tomatoes were spectacular, a bit like eating a bright red lolly.  I really liked the fact that it was all about the food and not confused with other items.

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