
By LifeLines

New Growth

Small trees growing out of a big tree. The cycle of life.

A much needed day off work. It’s been a bit cold and damp but a joy to be outside. Merlin was a little cheeky on his morning walk when he disappeared into a neighbouring field and then couldn’t find his way out. With Andy’s help he was reunited with me without the need for me to mount a barbed wire fence!

Later I spent a few hours at the allotment weeding and spreading the last of the horse manure for this winter. The sun peeked through the cloud briefly and I was warm enough to shed my coat and hat whilst I harvested the first of this year’s rhubarb. It was stewed and later enjoyed with rice pudding! Feels early for rhubarb - I’ll have to look back at my records.

This evening it is 2.5 degrees out and damp so I’m off for a hot bath. Hope you’ve had a good day x

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