Nice day for a run

Bright, cool and not too windy so a good day for a longish run. I wanted to do at least 2k more than my race the other week and set out with no particular plan in mind after the first mile.
The run took me along the landward edge of Tentsmuir Forest, past Morton Lochs and on quite a bit of the Fife Coast Path which is a bit from the sea at this point. There were a few out-and-backs when I realised the path turned in the wrong direction and across this open section was one of them but it was so nice it was a delight to do it twice.
Being sunny navigation was pretty easy, into the sun going out and follow my shadow on the way back and I met bits I knew at regular intervals, getting back having done at least 4k more than the race.
Lunch in the cafe where we started and then home.
I've been fairly lazy the rest of the day but have done Mr Rat's washing and I'll iron it soon.

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