Braving the labyrinth

Ailie and I have twice got lost in the Cragside labyrinth and it took us hours to extricate ourselves, ending up at the exit miles from the car. The boys were round and out twice. It was a battle to get James to wear his too-small wellies but he agreed it was good he had them as squelching about in the mud made him feel like a 2 year old!

They had their clock last night so didn’t come to us till 1 minute past 7. Then it was IPad till breakfast. James, who had eaten no dinner last night, said he could eat several bowls of “Granny breakfast” - oats, nuts and seeds with yoghurt. He only ate one. Thomas had 4 Weetabix.

We played cards till the rain stopped then they played in the woods till lunch.

Mr C has driven them home. I’m going to have a soak in the bath with my book. “Summer Water” by Sarah Moss. It’s really good. But short.

Maybe it’s controversial but I’m feeling cross with my nieces. They have signed and shared a petition in support to Jeremy Clarkson v his local council. I don’t give a diddlysquat about that racist, misogynist homophobe when there’s so many more awful things going on. One niece is a nurse and one a teacher and neither went on strike. They’ll no doubt be happy with the increased pay and improved working conditions their colleagues have sacrificed pay to gain. They are nice women but not well-informed and don’t think or care about the same things as my daughters and me.

And while I’m having a rant - I’m upset by the decision not to give Shamina Begum her citizenship back and allow her home from the refugee camp. She was a child when she went to Islamic State. It’s inhumane. I believe even USA has allowed young girls home.

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