First day

Awake so so early as WelshLad and Dot.T did a day trip to Paris (lush birthday gift from him to her) which meant they were up at 4am.

And first day this year that I’ve put washing out. It didn’t dry-dry obviously, but it was nearly there to be finished off inside. I just have so many loads to do. 2 people in the family, who shall remain nameless :-)), bring washing down rarely, but when they do, there’s masses of it.

First day back to work after Holiday Club and Half Term - lots of little bits to do - as well as grabbed time for last minute birthday shopping for Dot.T, and Auschwitz prep for NoaNoa (tomorrow). Then a doctors appointment to talk about my feet. Nice & helpful doctor. 1st time meeting him.

Back to do birthday wrapping and prep, and then a swim which I shouldn’t have done for time’s sake. Late night station pick up and aware that tomorrow is crazy.

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