Sea Lions
We’ve never seen sea lions like this right in front of our beach….I think they are Stellar Sea Lions because there is a colony on an island south of here but the California sea lions are present in these waters and north as well. 2 of the 6 species of pinniped in the world. they have external ears which our seals don't have, and back flipper which turn around so they can walk. We watched them for a very long time…2 groups. there are 2 heads in this photo. Stellar sea lions are the largest..the males can be 11 feet long.
They are doing well. after being endangered years ago. .they eat fish of course (and can eat seals) so there is ever a question about hunting seals which the first nations used to do— to protect the salmon population, which is not doing as well. A couple more in extras. I think what they are doing is thermoregulation.. warming the blood in their flippers so it will warm their bodies
The wind calmed down…we were happy to have our power and the internet back…altho we can play games by candlelight very well.....had a walk and played with the corks a bit more.
Today is International Pancake Day which we of course celebrated!
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