A busy day ….......And this has turned into a RANT

First thing this morning I went for a play on 'Porthmeor Beach' and a trek around town and just look what I found................... another manky old tennis ball. Yay! Actually, now that Ann has cleaned all the sand off it; it's not a manky old tennis ball anymore. It looks almost brand new!!

After breakfast we went to Perranporth to meet a friend and have a walk along the beach. The tide was all the way out so I took my green bouncy ball and did lots of running after it. There were quite a few other dogs on the beach but when I've got my ball, I'm totally focused on it, so just ignored all the other doggies. I kept having to have little flop downs in the sea because playing with my ball for more than a hour makes me tired. I ended up very, very, stinky and Ann wasn't looking forward to sitting next to me in the car all the way home.

However, just as we were about to get into the car, another friend, (who lives in Tehidy Country Park) phoned and asked if we wanted to go for a walk in the woods. Yay!

At least that gave me the opportunity to run about and dry off some of my stinkiness. Not that it seems to have done much good. Apparently I still smell. Oh well, ho hum, I've had a lovely day out and the friend that we met at Perranporth also gave me a brand new yellow bouncy ball. How lovely was that?!

We didn't get home until about 3pm and the problem with that was.................... neither of us had, had any lunch. Wasn't a problem for me because I hadn't eaten my breakfast, so I gobbled all of it up and then went into my bed for a snooze. By 3pm Ann says it's too late for lunch and too early for dinner so she just had a small bowl of salted popcorn hardly the most nutritional food in the world and caught up on the next episode of 'Howards Way' & 'Classic Eastenders'.

She has the same problem when she does an 11am – 3pm shift at work. There's never a good time for lunch so she ends up not having lunch.

..........And she doesn't want this Blip to turn into a RANT about how eating habits have changed in the last 50 years, BUT half a century ago there were far less fat people than there are today and yet people seemed to eat far more starchy foods. 

For example; in 1978 my human worked as a chambermaid in a hotel. Her hours were 9am – 3pm, 6 days a week and she got paid £36pw (ie, £1ph). BUT, she only worked for 30 of those hours as she got a 15 min break in the morning, where she had a cup of coffee and as much of the left over breakfast items that she could eat (usually a bacon, sausage, egg roll). She got half an hour for lunch, where she got a proper meal, usually meat/fish, potatoes & veg. There wasn't a choice, but in those days no one had heard of 'choice'?!! Vegetarians were 'weird hippy type people' and vegans, allergies, lactose intolerant people, gluten free diets etc, etc, etc, hadn't been invented?!! You ate what was put in front of you and if you didn't like it, you went hungry. And then 15 mins before she went home, she got to sit in the staffroom, drink coffee and eat biscuits, while the housekeeper checked the rooms. Admittedly, if there was a problem, you had to go and rectify it before you were allowed to go home but Ann was a good worker so never had to rectify anything you had to sign in and out via a time machine so if you worked past 3pm you got paid for it.

These days, if you're in a 'minimum wage job', you have to work for 6 hours before you get a break, you don't get paid for it, and you don't get fed!!!

Mmmmmm.................. and to think that the 'working time directive' which was introduced in the late 1990s, was supposed to make life better for people in low income jobs????

Oh dear?!! This has turned into a right old RANTY Blip hasn't it?

All I wanted to do, was tell you all what a lovely day out I had today.

BUT, that's the beauty of BLIP..................... Once you start talking about your day; you never know what's going to pop out of your owner's mouth next. Lol!!!

Happy Monday Evening Blippers. xxx

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