What a glorious feeling...

Grace and best pal Gabrielle on the way back from their ballet lesson. The girls got the umbrellas; the mummies got wet.

My backache has eased as the day went on due to the non stop drugs kicking in. This morning I was practically immobile and so had to leave a whiny Arwen and a not 100% Ophi with a poorly Daddy whilst I took Grace to ballet because I simply couldn't pick Arwen up or carry her.

Ballet School had a cake stall today to raise money for their summer performance.. I contributed a few things I'd thrown together yesterday. I always get paranoid when I send things to cake stalls. I keep checking back to see if my bakes have sold...!

Tonight Arwen enjoyed curry for tea and Ophi scoffed quite a bit of pilau. Grace however isn't at all right, left her tea and took herself to bed early. I think she may have another water infection poor thing. Trying to get her to drink, drink, drink but can't force it.
Dr for her on Monday I think.
138/365 completed!

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