Country File

By marypot

Spring is finally springing but I reckon nature's about six weeks or so behind where we normally are this time of year.

Not sure how - possibly the commute to work which means I'm spending at least three hours driving every work day, or maybe because my bad foot last week knocked my spine out of balance - but anyway my back is seriously playing up again today. It got better a few months after Arwen was born but is almost as bad as ever today. I've taken a bunch of painkillers, but spasms have left me immobile at times. Lifting and carrying Arwen is even very difficult. Tried the school run today on foot, but it was hard work so other trips today (to toddler group, to and from an arts and crafts afternoon for Ophelia, the school pick up and of course the journey to and from the swimming pool) had to be done by car. May have to consult dr for more physio and look into ways of easing the drive.
137/365 completed!

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