
By Stuart9613

Moving Out

The first batch of one litre perennials have overwintered in the Cambridge House and today I have been moving more of them outside while Helen has been potting.Those that I moved out first have had a 1-1-1 feed at 2%.

Lots of other jobs on the nursery as well today.Watering and seedlings out onto the heated benches has taken some time.

Corbyn in Liverpool stirring up trouble.The fathers who protested about asylum seekers being put up in a hotel in Kirkby have been labeled as right wing Nazis.Any father who's daughter was being harassed on her way to school has a right to do something about it when despite complaints to the police nothing is done.To call these people Nazis is just woke nonsense when Kirkby is probably one of the most left wing constituencies in the UK and for Corbyn to call people Nazi is a bit rich with his parties attitude to jewish people.
The asylum seekers are lucky it wasn't the mothers who turned out to protest.Liverpool women are tough.


The two pictures are almost identical.I was just trying out the different film settings on the Fuji XT1.The main picture is Velvia and the extra is Classic Chrome.

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