
By Tryards

Daisy, daisy ...

We had a woodpecker on the bird feeder this morning! We have had so many birds on the feeder it is difficult to remember them all (glad we have digital photography). We have had dozens of repolls, bluetits, siskins, goldfinches (almost by the score), greenfinches, coletits (who are very fussy eaters and drop the seeds they dont want on the floor for the cock pheasant that feeds here 3 or 4 times a day). We had a robin and bullfinches too. It is a bird watchers paradise and a source of great amusement to us watching the redpolls (that we had never seen before) bullying other birds away.
The sky was cloudless but there was a very strong wind. We decided to have a walk around the little lake beside the site, passing by the nesting swan and stopping at the hide to watch the black headed gulls nesting on the island. At the end of the lake we came across this bed of daisies - so many they looked like snow. We wanted to share it with you.

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