
By cultureandlife

No cash

How reliant we have become on these 'holes in the wall'. Teasing us with all their promises of free cash, lots of cash, come get your cash. Yesterday I went to get out some cash and got rejected, so moved on to the next cash line. Same result, hurmph - phoned my bank and apparent they had two address for me so decided to block my account without letting me know. The irony is that they are my mortgage provided for my previous AND current address. So if anyone should have known about my move it would be them.

Anyway Friday night, leaving do, no cash... well 80p. So sloped off home to rummage through the pockets of all my jackets. I found lots of used tissues, urgh, and a culminated total of £4.20. Okay so staying in tonight. Next morning put on my waterproof and noticed one pocket I hadn't checked. Bingo £15. By that time my card was fully operational and I was finally solvent again.

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