
By KCNQ2Haiku

Morning walk

The last day of term
for the younger rascal.
So last quiet walk!

I took Ben to school for his last day of half term this morning and then snuck to the river with Leo for a walk before my Tesco delivery.  It was a gorgeous morning.  Leo is a bit of a fiend on the lead but we had fun.   Sorted the shopping, fetched parcel from the post office and sent a few emails that I had been putting off. I'm still trying to get respite care for Ben so we can have a break but there are so many issues.. our allocated funding doesn't cover what he needs in terms of personal budget and the alternative is using local agencies, which have no availability.  School have referred us into social care today, hopefully we can get a disability social worker to help us navigate all of this.  I did a bit of governor work and then Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I took Leo (the lead fiend) for another walk.  I fetched Ben and he'd had a decent day but he really struggled this afternoon at home, had a massive meltdown and broke his trampoline which he relies on for self regulation.  So unbelievably frustrating.  He's settled now so hopefully the week off school will give him time to regroup... and not be too stressful for us :-/ 

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