
A day taking in the sights of Albi, including the Toulouse-Latrec Museum (he was born here), the quite magnificent Cathedrale Sainte-Cecile, a sun-splashed  alfresco restaurant lunch of typical regional cuisine involving sausage and very cheesy mashed potato, witnessing a march of 40,000 marchers as part of the French pension strikes, and then being surrounded by many of the striking teachers, firemen, etc complete with placards and flags coming for a post-march beer in the bar we were sat outside at teatime. We weren't actually with them in person but felt a kind of solidarity nonetheless. 

And the reason for all these ongoing strikes is that President Macron is wanting to raise the pension age from 62 to 64. If it sticks at 62 I'm half-tempted to emigrate...oh hang on, am I even allowed to do that these days? I'll go check...


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