Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie and I walked round the block then went to the cafe. Archie was not keen. JR arrived, and then our friend Mary. Delicious scones and coffees were enjoyed. The place was absolutely mobbed, as was every other cafe in the neighbourhood, I think.

JR then got her e-bike out of the shed. And what a smashing wee thing it is too! But the front tyre was flat, must be a slow puncture. We all walked round to the bike shop, where it was left to be fixed, and picked it up later. JR and Archie went for a longer walk. Tyre fixed, brakes adjusted and the bike is back in the shed, ready for one of JR’s gym pals to come and see it this week.

Just watching ‘Dogs Behaving Badly’. We like to watch the awful doggie deeds and congratulate Archie on his (relatively) wonderful behaviour. Mind you, it’s always, always, the owner’s fault!

Poor wee New Zealand! Terrible news from there, with Cyclone Gabrielle causing such devastation. I do hope the worst of it is over, and they can begin to clear up and carry on with life. The new PM didn’t have much of a quiet lead in!

I have taken the plunge, and asked my doctor to refer me privately for that long awaited steroid injection in my back, as my mobility is just getting worse. Should have plunged at least six months ago, but better late than never.

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