It's Beginning to Feel ...
..A Lot Like Spring!
What a change in the weather..I was able to stay down at the lake this morning for about an hour watching yet another beautiful sunrise, and then poking about and taking a variety of pix...For the first time this winter, it was not the cold that sent me home, it was my need of another morning coffee!
Then this afternoon, my sister and I went for a short walk down at the conservation area...where the geese and ducks, as excited about the spring weather as we were, were frolicking about in the water like little kids discovering summer. There was a whole lot of splashing going' on.... This was not just bathing time, it was play time!
The conservation area was alive with visitors as well as birds...People everywhere.. enjoying the sunshine, feeding the birds and roaming the trails..It seems that the good weather had drawn them away from all that pre-game Super Bowl coverage on TV!
My sister and I managed to avoid all the hoopla of Super Bowl and after our walk, had a quiet afternoon, a leisurely dinner and an evening of conversation, much of it based on our upcoming trip in the spring. Maps were spread on the coffee table, The Most Beautiful Villages of France book and issues of France magazine were brought out and lists were made. My sister even got herself started on Duolingo!
My sister's visit has flown by; she leaves tomorrow to go back up north and we probably won't be together again until it is time to fly overseas. We tried to make the most of this face-to-face time to get ourselves organized and ready, but it went by way too quickly! Still lots of planning to do...but it is the fun part now.. the hard work is done.
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