Pic n Mix Pics

Unfortunately I'd not kept an eye on my camera battery and it was totally flat when I pulled the camera out to use. We headed to see Asha's old English teacher do a puppet show about Es Vedrà. Not your usual puppets, 8ft tall ones that she's made and need a person inside of them. She tells island stories using them. Nate was a bit scared of them, 8ft tall goats wandering around and coming up to you.
We soaked up some sunshine before getting the bus to San An to see the wonderful Jud who is back for a few days. What a joy to be reunited with her, I miss her hugely.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha shaking herself out of a bad mood.
2) Nate's enjoyment of bus journeys.
3) Jud!!! She came out with 1 line that gave me a totally new perspective on this past year of seeming failures.

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