
I walked to Claire's straight from the school run today. It was so so good to walk and talk - it's been too long since we had some proper time together. We got to the end of the beach and collected rosemary and ate freshly picked asparagus. 
We went and found a cave that a poet had hidden out in during the Franco era...the local town hall have maintained it and put a plaque outside with some of his story. 
We walked back along (a lot of kilometres under the belt today!) in time for the end of school and joined the others (see Asha's blip) for cheese and bread etc... My head was hurting all day so a picnic in the wind wasn't exactly ideal, but we found a sheltered spot. 
I've been doing some preps for a community walk were part of with the ES church tomorrow - I've been roped into doing the kids activities. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Claire being such a wonderful friend. Today with her was just what was needed. 
2) Entertaining kids - Nate's convinced he and his class are going on a plane to France to meet someone called Monet - hahahaha! I'll be very shocked if any of that happens. He keeps saying "I feel shy about meeting Monet." I think it's safe to say he won't!! 
3) Danny going up to Sa Penya tonight and seeing lots of folks. 

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