
By schorschi

"Yes your Worship, I had a hard upbringing&qu

The annual check up (luckily free of charge) followed by a "Professional Teeth Cleaning" (70 Euros) session. I survived ....... but only just. Like all my other problems, blame it on my childhood. I screamed as a 5 year old at the barber, who peddled his home service on a pedal bike and the dentist who had to pedal on a board to get his drill turning. Yes... no electric hair clippers or dentist drills in Trinidad in those days.
Well if you have to have someone poke about with your teeth, I can only recommend the Practice Dres. Müller in Ottobeuren, a real family team going back at least 3 generations. Luckily most of my visits have not required any repair work.
As I explained why I had the camera with me and that I didn't need to photograph any faces, Dr. Sebastian Müller asked why not and jumped in front of me lying on the chair and said Blip away! I wish he had kept the magnifying glasses on but he popped them ton top of his head.

PS "Dres" is apparently the official title for a brace or more of doctors, at least in Germany.

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