Encinitas from Forest Bluffs

With snow covered mountains including San Jacinto the summit of which we visited in 2016: https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2161900798139697725

The bluffs are an imposing feature high above the lower valley with some very prestigious homes built on top - although the brick red bluffs are a very weak and easily eroded tertiary sandstone. It is a fascinating feature of the area that many houses are built on the top of ridges such as those in the distance giving commanding views across the valleys and out to the Pacific. At night their lights form necklaces in the sky.

The same rock forms unstable and impressive cliffs along the coast hereabouts with regular cliff falls eroding the coast and causing houses to collapse into the ocean despite elaborate attempts at shoring up the cliffs.

The morning was our own so we worked our way around some of the Encinitas city trails which was very enjoyable giving views such as todays blip and away to the ocean.

Thank you for all your kind comments about Landon. He improved during the day so we called in to take him to the local Target store for him to chose his Christmas present. When we picked him up he was bouncing around and his old self. Unfortunately he had a relapse in the car and had to be carried to the store and wheeled around in a trolly to make his purchases.

He fell asleep on the way home and continued to sleep for another 4 hours and missed his cousin’s fourth birthday party. We had a good time with the family but missed having Chris and Landon with us even though Carly and Madison were at the party. Later Carly texted to say that he’d woken and was subdued and tired but smiling. All being well, he’ll be on the mend tomorrow

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