Sad but True

By sbt

Iris in Blue

This is one of three Irises which are in flower in my front garden today. What is special about them is that, usually, they either fail to flower at all - or they produce weedy little blooms that do them no credit at all. This year we have had a good mixture (if you are an iris) of rain and, recently, sunshine. The deep purple-blue flowers were a lovely surprise when they came out.

Our morning was spent at the stables waiting for the vet, who was delayed, to come and check Tango's hooves. Hurrah! He has neither laminitis nor an abcess. No lameness at all = no box rest (staying inside all day) so happy pony went back to eating grass. Lauren rode Trigger and then returned to her Revision.

Later we visited the Livery Yard my partner's horse is just about to move to. We bumped into some friends and exchanged news. Then off to the Farm Shop for some well hung Aberdeen Angus steak and home made sausage.

Dinner was good!

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