Happy Birthday Mum!

Today it's Mum's birthday. I was up early and went to the gym before she got up, and when I got home she opened her presents and cards, before going out for a birthday lunch with friends. We had a lovely time and they bought her presents which was a nice surprise, and the restaurant put a firework candle in the huge Tiramisu that she had for dessert!

As promised we raised a glass to Airborne Skygod who's getting married today, and we wish him and Non all the best for their future!

Unfortunately Mum's started with a cold and a sore throat, so I'm taking her to see Pierre later - he's my doctor and also our friend. I don't think it's anything serious, but as we're going away this weekend I thought it was better to get her checked out.

In other news, my granddaughter Scarlett Jane is 4 months old today - I don't know where those 4 months have gone, and I can't imagine a time when she wasn't part of the family!

Mum's case still hasn't arrived and we have one more day before we head to Paris - I'd better go and call them again!

Happy weekend to you all x

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