Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Busy, busy!

I had to go into town this morning so parked in Balgreen and took the tram, I find it the easiest way in and out of the centre. I spotted these pretty little cyclamen and crocus on some waste ground on my way to the tram stop and loved their splash of colour.
I had to go to Glenrothes this afternoon to pick something up so that filled that slot of the day.
Back home I decided to bake a batch of shortbread, then Colin arrived home from Banchory. We were catching up on news when I realised that I'd completely forgotten about the shortbread in the oven.... That was a waste of effort and ingredients I was most annoyed with myself.
We had a quick dinner of omelettes before rushing out to bridge. We came second so we're pleased with that.
Tomorrow I have to unpack and repack my cases, as one does,.... and weigh them.
Two and a half more sleeps!

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