Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Back to the usual Monday routine today. Went through to Barrow this morning for a coffee with Stu. Got him to show me the bass line for “Paint it Black” while I was there. Pretty straightforward and I should be okay if we decide to go through it at Wednesday’s band practice.
Back in the theatre this evening for another “Blackadder” rehearsal. From now on we’re trying to incorporate as many props and costumes as possible into the rehearsals, so we get used to them.
Quite happy to use the props but I ain’t putting on a costume any time soon. It’s sub zero outside, and not a lot warmer in the actual theatre.
The act (episode) we’re rehearsing tonight is the one (of the three) in which I have the fewest lines, so there’s a lot of sitting around just getting colder and colder. If the temperature drops any further, I may have to utter the line “I’m just going outside, I may be some time”
Not because I’m going to do a Captain Oates, but because I’m going to sit in my car and turn the heated seats on!

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