It’s a mystery!

Today I received this book from Amazon. I didn’t order it, so assumed it was a gift. I knew friend/fellow blipper R had sources my address, so messaged to ask if she had sent it. No! So then I felt a fool! Nice to catch up over a few messages though! Next I initiated a live chat with Amazon, but he couldn’t tell me who the sender was. He suggested I gave him some close family/ friends names to see if he could say it was one of those names at least. I gave a few names and all I got was ‘no connection’! My mind went blank, and all he could say was ‘you can keep the book anyway!’. Now I don’t want to embarrass myself again asking people if they’ve sent a gift, and making them embarrassed if they haven’t, So, just in case, and to be on the safe side, I changed my password while I was on the site, but I’m hoping someone soon sends a message asking if I got the book! 

Had a lovely time with Megan today. We chatted loads and sat on B’s bench for ages.

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