Chocolate Reward

My niece in Fort William can be excused if she thinks I’m trying to get ill in order to be on the receiving end of another beautiful box of Braemar Chocolates. No sooner had she learned I had Covid than this little box of delights found its way down to my door this afternoon.

It is actually more or less a year to the day since the body beautiful started letting me down, which it has done on three occasions, and on all these occasions I have been the lucky recipient of a box of these delicious chocolates. I am so glad that the latest let down in catching Covid has not robbed me of my taste and smell.

I write this blog as I await the late arrival of Grandson no1 who is joining me for a pizza at Söderberg. He is through in Edinburgh to babysit his young brother while his Mum&Dad are both away separately at conferences. The young brother has alternative plans for the evening so it will just be Seb and me.
He is late.

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