The Celtic festival that marks the beginning of spring has strong associations with badgers. Supposedly they make their first foray after a period of torpor. So I decided it was a good day to go back to Pollok Park this time wearing wellies to see of I could spot the sett I failed to find a couple of weeks ago. On route I saw in plain sight a perfect example of a disused one, about 100m from the flat. It did match with a set of OS coordinates which I had ignored because it seemed so unlikely. I must have past this spot hundreds of times in the almost 4 years we have been here. I will monitor it over the next few months on the off chance in that it is taken over as a temporary outlier.
I failed to find the sett I was looking for.
Snowdrops are just starting to appear here and there, they are more attractive, although not more interesting, than the D shaped badger sett so they get the main blip.
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