Catching the light this morning.

It’s been another busy day. The family were all coming for tea after school.
I also made a chicken casserole and a chocolate cake, the latter I decorated with melted chocolate and Haribos, as well as birthday candles.
Our granddaughter had her friends round for tea yesterday, being her actual birthday.
So she has now had a second one!
The 4 grandchildren had a special grape and sultana bread made by Grandad Stephen. It’s their favourite and they love it with pear and
apple spread, which you can buy at the health food shop.
I had to make the cake dairy free and nut free. But we got used to that when they were all living here with us for two months in 2021.
So in time honoured tradition the candles were lit, 5 instead of 10, as I couldn’t quite fit them on the cake! And duly blown out again, as we sang Happy Birthday.
We did manage to do a short walk in the Park this morning before lunch however, as it has been such a beautifully sunny, clear blue sky day.
The family now have all left not long after 6.00pm not knowing if their school teachers will be on strike or not tomorrow. I somehow don’t think the 3 who are at school are bothered!
Their 3 year old sibling will begin in September. She is 4 in March.
We’ve just cleared away and are now ready for a rest!
I had taken a couple of photos in the park this morning, but didn’t like them, so this main photo is the one I took at breakfast time, when the sun was streaming in through the lounge window.
I’m behind with comments as a result.

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