
By PlanW

Return Of The Mack

Wally came back.   He disappeared for weeks but he came when I called him this morning (I'll never stop calling him, just in case and now I know I'm right).  He's always been a little scruffy and I can't tell if that's because he's young and artfully dishevelled in a rock'n'roll way or if he's old and tired in a battered by life way.  He flew to my hand and I gave him some breakfast.  

Across the park, I caught a glimpse of the kingfisher (in extras) and, although he sat there for a long time, he was a bit too far for my zoom.   I've cropped it down but it's not great.  Proof that he was there though, should proof be required. 

Started work at 5.15am and finished at 7.15pm, although there was a park trip at 8am.  Knackered.  

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