A Whole Day Late....!!!
And a ‘flash-back’ to the Christmas season.....
We visited Newbridge Silverware this afternoon...some of you may have heard of it...it’s quite a famous destination now for visitors and tourists from all over the World..!!
But it started out very simply many years ago (1934 in fact) as The Cutlery Factory On a site quite close to where it is now...
When it was taken over and moved to its new location ..someone had the ‘bright’ idea to use the ‘off-cuts’ from the plated silver cutlery to make jewelry...so their first designs were quite simple...but ...now there is very little the don’t have..!!... have a look on their website and you’ll see what I mean....!! They also have the Museum Of Style Icons...upstairs in the building and free to all visitors...they have clothes and original movie costumes and memorabilia from many, many stars...well worth a visit..!
And if any of you ever come to visit me ...I’ll take you there on a special day out....!!!
I grew up quite close to Newbridge and my Aunt (one of my Mams sisters) worked there for a number of years, so that’s why I decided to buy that Christmas decoration above as it’s the one produced for the 85th Anniversary 1934 - 2019...im memory of her....it was a bargain too...only 10€ reduced from 40€..! It depicts the two Christmases 1934 and 2019..!
I only went in to get some new knives and forks....but came out with a few more things..!!
28th January..Quote..
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