A Promise....!!!

That’s what I always feel when I see the very first daffs.....the promise of bright yellow swathes of daffodils blowing in the breeze ...brighter days ...longer evenings, Springtime...!
That one daffodil opened right in front of my eyes as I worked in the kitchen this morning......just lovely to see......
One of my neighbors bought me these yesterday...the very first lot on sale in the shops...she has done this every year for awhile...we swap ‘baking’ back and forth regularly...she is one of my ‘chief tasters’ for the new oven baking....!!!!
Other shot is ‘just out of the oven hot Currany Bread (Fruit Soda Bread)..first one baked in the new oven...
A success I think! We’ll see how it tastes with lashings of butter and homemade raspberry jam...!!

Friday again and almost the end of January...where does the time go...?? I know we have to weather February yet but the evenings are getting longer and brighter so onwards & upwards in love & light...
Annie xx

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