
By LaurenWebster

Wonderful Wednesday

Today was brimful of wonderful. I was the welcomer/guide for a visitor from the Pasteur Institute in France. He was here trying to develop collaborations with GHESKIO in some neo-nate projects. We walked through 2 of the slums adjacent to GHESKIO - Cite Plus and Village de Dieu. Next, we traveled over to IMIS, GHESKIO's second large site about 1 hour away. We were able to see the MDR-TB treatment tents, the BSL3 laboratory, and some more clinic space. I got back to GHESKIO just in time to squeeze in a few daily reports for an HIV vaccine trial and the GeneXpert Gonnorhea&Chlamydia tests I am assisting with.

On a side note, the cleaning woman came into my apartment while I was on a run this evening, and I experienced being locked out of my apartment for the first time:) Needless to say, I am currently memorizing the Creole words for keys, door, and lock.

Unfortunately I was unable to take photos while in the slums, so the photo above is of the clinic building at IMIS name after Dr. Johnson, one of my bosses in NYC!

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