Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

JR has a sore foot, so didn’t go to the gym this morning. I did though. I often meet this lovely big cat. His family moved from the area ages ago, but he always comes back to hang out. 

Hazel and Iain were coming for drinkies in the evening, so JR was fussing around getting the nibbles organised, and I took Archie round the Links. The doctor was to phone me in the afternoon re my blood tests, and all was going swimmingly until I asked a question I’ve always wondered about -  then things took a dramatic turn…

I merely mentioned to her about when doctors ask, ‘Did you have any chest pain?’ what does that mean? Is it a huge big pain right across, or perhaps just a slight pain in a small area… (The answer is that men usually have the whole chest pain, while women have varied pains).

I’d had a wee pain while making a coffee. Nothing drastic, but something new. Here we go - more tests.
I’ll ring you back’ said she. Which she did, and told me go to A&E. 
A&E? You want me to go now?’ 
Yes, they’re expecting you.

It was 3.30, and the visitors were to arrive at 5.30. Plenty of time, I thought. But it doesn’t work like that. 5 hours later, I got back home. Blood test, XRay, ECG and then a repeat blood test (and waiting for results), lots of sitting in a corridor surrounded by very ill people.

After the blood test, I thought I’d be allowed to go, but the charming young doctor (Hamish) said, ‘It’s not a prison, of course you can go, but if it’s negative, we need you here.’ Can’t argue with that. Two hours for the results, Then they wanted to repeat it. He kept apologising about my visitors, which made me feel bad having mentioned that. 

I left about 9pm, and the staff all waved and shouted cheerio. They were brilliant - efficient, kind, & good humoured. And I suppose they really like it when one of their patients actually walks out. I mentioned to Hamish that it was pretty quiet… then we went through the doors, and the masses were thronging out in the waiting room. Nope. Another busy Friday night in A&E…

But I nearly forgot the most important bit - I returned the crutches (that were found by the bin) and two walking sticks that have been in the boot of the car for weeks. And they were very happy to receive them.

PS The visitors were still here when I got back, so I was able to have one glass of bubbly out of the four empty bottles!

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