Camera Shy

By Wildstar

One I took earlier...

Another Camera Club competition,  another Judge!   With the use of Zoom for competitions during lockdowns it extended the choice of Judges we could invite.  Similarly to many Clubs we have continued to include some  Zoom presentations and competitions to our programme.  With an open competition (no set subject) one is spoilt (ha!) with the choices of entries you might make.  For me it will always be an image I particularly like, secondly it should have no obvious technical issues and  be compositionally sound.  At the bottom of the list one may try to match image to any perceived bias on the part of the Judge.  With Judges we are unfamiliar with - anything can happen!  This was one which did not find much favour with the Judge (it wasn't totally a disaster) but it had ticked some of my boxes. 
Another competition soon and another Judge, another chance to make a good match!
Same day but another kind of Judge to appear before.  A good part of my day was taken up with supporting an elderly friend at our Magistrate's Court but there was no appearance before this Judge as,  with the usual court management problems,  the case was predicted to take 6 hours but they had attempted to fit in 2 other cases.  My friend's was timed out and adjourned until May.  Interesting time though observing the comings and goings at Court but strictly no photo opportunities! - hence the EB.

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