Everyone was up and organised first thing. The boys had homework to do. Lincoln spelling and xander reading and spelling.  He's been out of sorts the last couple of days and everything is stressing him out. I only made him read 7 pages. He's got about another 10 to do between now and tomorrow.  

I went round to my sisters for a cuppa while Carson was at nursery.  She set up the VR set. It was a haunted mansion.  Sheesh what a laugh we both had. The tears were streaming and I could have peed . Hehe. It was that scary I couldn't finish it. 

Carson stayed in nursery for a hour and half. He had cried for a bit but then had settled again and was playing in the home corner with Harp when I went. His funding for one on one can take ages to come through.  

We came home amd I got the upstairs tidied and some laundry done. And made Carson , mushroom egg . That's what he calls a omelette.  

I had to wake him and put him in his waterproofs as I had to cycle and get Harp. He fell back asleep in the trailer.  Harp fell asleep on the way home. 

The boys had a good day at school.  They did a lot of outdoor learning. Which I think is fantastic for kids. They're starving so I'm making them a early dinner. Two of them will get bathed after . 

I have one more day of cycling to the nursery.  I've done about 36 miles this week and my legs didn't appreciate me getting on the bike before.  I hope the wildlings don't suggest going on their bikes at the weekend.  

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