
Mr R was heading up north to a meeting this morning once he dropped the boys off at school so I was on the nursery run. Having the wind in your face cycling first thing in the morning isn't so great.  I then cycled to my sisters and had my brekkie.  The jedi only managed just under 2 hours at nursery before I had to pick him up and cycle back home. 

I left Harp at nursery so she could have fun with her friends but it then meant I had to cycle back later. I have cycled just under 14 miles today and walked 13k steps. 

I took all the wildlings to dalscone after school with a couple of their friends,  it was lovely having a catch up with the mums. We're literally just through the front door so it will be a late dinner for the kids. They're all knackered.  I am starving.  My apo says I have burnt over a thousand calories today so that's good. 

I've so much to do around the house still.  Hey ho. 

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