watching dry paint

By lensbrush

cold case

I was a bit taken aback this morning while returning from parking my car.
This little statement had appeared on the low side wall of this house. There were other ones on the road. Someone has a bee in their bonnet about the alleged history of this house. 
The Beaumont Children is an infamous never solved missing persons case (most probably murder) of the three Beaumont children taken from Glenelg Beach on Australia day (Jan 26th) 1966. 
Hence the timing of today's graffiti. It was rumoured that their bodies were buried beneath this house. This was always only a rumour, or some such, as it had a connection to a suspect. Much later, I believe there was action taken to excavate a factory associated with one of the suspects. Nothing of interest was found. The whole thing gets murky around those rumours and is propped up by mysterious notes like these. 
I think this one will likely be a cold case forever.

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