On the Beach

The day started magnificently in the cold waters of the Forth but went downhill from then on.
A trip back down to M&S to return an item having first checked their website which said they were open. Not so. There is damage to the back of the building on Rose Street because of yesterday’s fire in Jenners and the professionals have to judge if the building is safe to open.

From there, it was a quick walk to the Railway Station to try and book tickets to Leeds at the end of March and be on the same train as Glasgow daughter. That didn’t work out as one of the trains didn’t provide any prices which could mean it was being withdrawn.

Nothing daunted, I jumped on a bus to Fort Kinnaird and the M&S there. That was my big mistake. The #30 bus is an experience apart : a single decker and always busy. Happily there were no pit bulls with a seat to themselves, but it was certainly the wrong time to travel - packed and stopping at every stop as it crawled back into town in a very long traffic tailback.

Now it seems a long time since this morning when I blipped the sand and two cold dookers just as the sun rose spilling a golden light like liquid gold across the water to envelope us in its glow.

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