Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lost in space

The morning saw me in the Costco alternative reality where goods are cheap and piled high and the rotisserie chicken is grilled to the point of extinction. I’m not saying we didn’t buy anything we didn’t need but we did buy a lot of stuff we hadn’t intended to buy including cauliflower crisps and a defibrillator. Ok I’m lying about the defibrillator. But you know the thing I’m talking about. Have trolley, will fill it. It’s like that scene in Red 2 where retired assassin Bruce Willis is shopping in Costco with a frustrated Mary Louise Parker and trying to convince her that they really need a jet washer for the patio. All she wants is to get out in the field again and kill some bad guys. Not that I want to do that. It’s just that there is nothing like buying in bulk to make you realise that you are part of a really big machine that has no interest in your hopes and fears.

By contrast the afternoon saw me in the Tate Modern with an old friend to have a second viewing of the Cezanne exhibition. Lovely to catch up with said friend who I haven’t seen for a year. We had a glass of wine in the Swan by the Globe Theatre and a pizza on the South Bank. Really nice.

Got home mid evening and TSM and I stayed up much later than usual listening to music, chatting, doing the crossword and maybe having another glass of wine or two, so a day of three halves.

Blip is the Turbine Hall at the Tate which as usual is amazing.

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