Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

The eye...

....watching you...!

I thought this looked like a Doctor Who creation.

It is in fact, the glass stopper from a decanter that has an air bubble in the middle.

Last night at the club went well, especially for one of our newer members. The challenge was to get a creative image of a toy that was handed out two weeks ago - I blipped one of my trial images a few days ago.

Everyone got a different toy. Everyone came back with a different interpretation. The only quite surprising result was that no-one used their toy with a child playing with it.
Back to our newcomer. The last meeting was a presentation and workshop on composition. He came back last night with a fabulously set up, exposed and composed image - taken with his bridge camera (putting some of us to shame!). He was clearly taking everything in two weeks ago and was completely taken aback when the group voted (in an spontaneous vote) his image the best of the evening. I'll put his name up if I can get his permission - I don't wish to cause any embarrassment.

Congratulations to all the Blipsters who celebrated their 500th Blip birthday yesterday. I received a torrent of Notifications. If I missed a comment to you, I apologise.

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