Little Drummer Boy

Band practice today with our new (hopefully permanent) drummer. Neil had done a great job for us, stepping in at the last minute to do our Xmas and New Year gigs, but was too busy to commit full time.
Our set is not the sort of thing Kyle normally plays - some of what we would think of as “classics” he admitted to only hearing for the first time when he started learning the set.
He picked it up pretty quickly though! A bit of fine tuning required around beginnings and ends, but we ran through quite a few numbers reasonably successfully. Kyle is going to compile a Spotify playlist of the set to give him something to play along with when practising on his own, and the plan is to all meet up again next week for another practice.
The big advantage of having Kyle in the band is that it brings the average age down quite considerably. For those gigs where Stuart and/or Len (or me) can’t make it, we’ll almost be able to call ourselves a boy band!

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